'Where we belong, aspire and succeed'

Rainbow Day 2019 Assembly 

This year, Crab Lane held a competition to design a Rainbow Day Bobble Hat and we had some fabulous entries from the children and their families. Judging the winners was not an easy job and you can see some of the winning work above.


 The prize - to have their designs framed to take home and tasty Terry's chocolate oranges tucked inside miniature Rainbow Day bobble hats, lovingly knitted by Mrs. Davidge!

The children in Nursery have had a fantastic day celebrating 'Rainbow day 2019'. We have celebrated in a few different ways...

We started our day off with a story called, "We are all different" We shared the story as a class and it made is realise that we are all very different. We discussed physical differences such as skin, hair and eye colour and we also discussed how our talents and hobbies make us different. This is where we found our phrase of the day came from...

"We are all different... It's okay to be different."

Over the rest of the day, Nursery spent time completing four different activities with our key group.

• We read one of our favorite books - Elmer. We had lots of discussion about Elmer, how he feels and what makes him special. We also read some books about our families and how they are all different too

• We learned a new song - "We're all special." We used the musical instruments to create a some music and dance moves

• We thought about who we live with and how all of our families are different. We drew pictures of who lives in our house and we even tried to add some super labels using our phonics knowledge

• We spent some time designing a hat. Everybody had their own ideas and each hat was very different. We discussed how it is okay to have different ideas and create different things. We learned a new word - UNIQUE. Each hat was unique just like we are.

"We are all different... It's okay to be different."

This is what Year 4C did on Rainbow Day

We discussed the story The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams and we talked about how it was important to respect everyone and their beliefs. We talked about how the way a person dresses, that it doesn't change who they are. We came to the conclusion that we should still treat everyone with respect because we are all people together. We then went on the Pride Parade with Years 3, 5 and 6.

Take a look at some of our Rainbow Day 2019 photos.