'Where we belong, aspire and succeed'


Our curriculum is built on the research that learning is a change to long-term memory. Therefore, we have designed our curriculum to ensure that children revisit and review key elements of learning over time.


Curriculum drivers shape our curriculum breadth. Our drivers are based on the needs of our children and community. Currently, our drivers are:


Communication and Language - We are an accredited 'Excellence in Oracy' school and approaches to oracy underpin our curriculum delivery.
See our Oracy page within 'Our Curriculum' for more information.

Aspiration and Ambition - Our LEARNERS values support children to be the best person they can be across all eight of our core values.

See our Vision and Values page within 'Our Curriculum' for more information.

Personal Development - We ensure our five strands of Personal Development support our children to become respectful, responsible and active citizens.
See our Personal Development page within 'Our Curriculum' for more information.

Exploration and Engagement with the Wider World - A range of trips and visitors are mapped out across the year and we run Forest Schools sessions in EYFS.

See our Trips and Visitors page within 'Our Curriculum' for more information.

 Speak to your class teacher to find out more about your child's year group curriculum, or go to our 'Curriculum Overview' pages.


 Teaching and Learning Policy NMPF.pdfDownload
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Page Last Reviewed: 11.03.2024