'Where we belong, aspire and succeed'

Our computing curriculum provides pupils with a broad experience of computer science, information technology and digital literacy skills and knowledge. Pupils learn both how to use technology and how to be creators of new technology through their programming and computer networks units. The subject reflects the National Curriculum and encourages children to develop an understanding of how technology makes a difference in all aspects of life-at home, at school and in the workplace, as well as considering the impact technology has had on society over the years.

Our computing curriculum is built around the 3 core strands of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Pupils learn to program in a range of languages including ScratchJr, Scratch and Kodu and use physical computing devices such as the Crumble Controller, and Spheros.

We believe pupils’ excellent understanding of digital literacy skills is essential to ensure they are competent and confident users of technology and, importantly, know how to use such technology in a safe and responsible manner.  Online safety is a key feature of our scheme.

 Computing Curriculum Coverage Crab Lane Website.pdfDownload
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