'Where we belong, aspire and succeed'


•  L E A D E R S H I P  •  E X C E L L E N C E  •  A M B I T I O N  •  R E S P E C T  •

•  N U R T U R E  •  E F F O R T  •  R E S I L I E N C E  •  S P A R K  •

Aspiration and Ambition are key drivers of our curriculum and to support this, we have shared values that have been created by the children, parents, staff and governors of our Federation.

Our values are based on what it takes to make us good LEARNERS.
Our values are listed below and these are displayed in all our classrooms.

We worked with Crumpsall Lane to understand our values better and then created displays to celebrate what it means to be LEARNERS in our school.

Page Last Reviewed: 11.03.2024