'Where we belong, aspire and succeed'


At Crab Lane, we believe that the high-quality teaching of phonics is fundamental for children to become competent, fluent readers. In order to give pupils the best start in their reading journey, we follow the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics Programme to ensure there is a systematic approach to the development of children's phonic knowledge. 
School Phonics Programme - Information for Parents/Carers https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parentsandcarers/ 
We regularly assess pupils each half term and ensure pupils working below age related expectations are assessed more regularly and access interventions. Phonics is continued for all pupils until they are independent and able to access reading in whole class reading sessions. We know that not all children learn at the same pace, so in order to 'keep up and not catch up', some pupils access 1:1 intervention, tailored to their needs.
Home reading books

All pupils access Read, Write, Inc, reading books, which are organised to be progressive. Pupils practise reading these books in class three times per week with a focus on accuracy, fluency and comprehension, including prosody (reading voice). Pupils take home the book that they have read in school, alongside an additional book bag that matches their phonics levelThe Storybook is matched to the sounds and words they know – a decodable book – so they should be able to read all the words.


Daily reading

As well as phonics, daily reading is timetabled in class for pupils to listen to a wide-range of stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction develop children’s vocabulary, language comprehension and love of reading.

 Phonics Expectations Crab Lane.pdfDownload
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Phonics Screening Check

In Year 1, phonics is assessed using the Phonics Screening Check, which is provided by the Government to assess pupil's ability to read sounds and decode words. They read 40 words that include a range of different sounds the pupils have been taught.
There is a mixture of real and nonsense (alien) words to check that the children are able to decode words in order to read:


Here are our results for the last few years:
Year: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Pass rate: 58%


(National 82%)

83% 80%


(National 75%)



What can you do as a parent/carer?

To help your child at home, the best thing you can do is read with them for 10 minutes a day. We send home a mix of phonetically decodable books that the children can read and story books for you to read with them for pleasure.

Here is a link to the Read, Write, Inc., portal for how you can support at home. 

Each year we run a variety of parent workshops for phonics. Below is an overview of the parent workshops in each term.

Page Last Reviewed: 06.03.2024